from "structure of the mammalian retina" madrid, 1900.
In [The Story of the Eye; Georges Bataille; 1928] a term, the Eye, is varied through a certain number of substitute objects standing in a strict relationship to it: they are similar (since they are all globular) and at the same time dissimilar (they are all called something different). This double property is the necessary and sufficient condition of every paradigm. The Eye’s substitutes are declined in every sense of the term: recited like flexional forms of the one word; revealed like states of one identity; offered like propositions none of which can hold more meaning than another; filled out like successive moments in the one story. On its metaphorical journey the Eye thus both varies and endures; its essential form subsists through the movement of a nomenclature like that of a physical space, because here each inflexion is a new noun, speaking a new usage.
_Roland Barthes, The Metaphor of the Eye, 1963